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A Cleaning Service for Everyone Who Lives in Hackney, E5

If you live in or around E5 and could do with a bit of extra help with the cleaning, then look no further! Cleaners E5 are a local, reputable cleaning company with a large happy customer base in the area. Whatever your individual needs, we can tailor a cleaning service especially for you, and we guarantee to be able to provide the cheapest rates around! From a quick weekly tidy up to a one-off deep clean of your house, we do it all. If you think that you could do with a helping hand then call us now for a free quote!

Carpet Cleaning Hackney E5 Carpet Cleaning Hackney E5

Upholstery Cleaning Hackney E5 Upholstery Cleaning Hackney E5

End of Tenancy Cleaning Hackney E5 End of Tenancy Cleaning Hackney E5

Domestic Cleaning Hackney E5 Domestic Cleaning Hackney E5

House Cleaning Hackney E5 House Cleaning Hackney E5

Office Cleaning Hackney E5 Office Cleaning Hackney E5

The Smart Option for Cleaners E5 Services

Price List

Carpet Cleaning from £ 55
Upholstery Cleaning from £ 55
End of Tenancy Cleaning from £ 95
Domestic Cleaning from £ 13.50
Regular Cleaning from £ 13.50
Office Cleaning from £ 13.50

 *Price excluding VAT
*Minimum charge apply

Cleaners Services at Promotional Prices in E5

We have been offering top-class cleaning services to people in and around E5 for years and have gained a solid reputation for being reliable, professional, and cost-effective. When our clients choose us, they are choosing friendly and dedicated cleaners who know exactly what they need to do to achieve outstanding results. It has taken a lot of hard work to become the favourite cleaning company in the area, and we are not about to give up that title. With our fantastic deals and a service that can be designed for you, it's no wonder that our customers come back to our cleaners E5 again and again.



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Cleaners E5

Company name: Cleaners E5
Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday, 07:00-00:00
Street address: 164 Clapton Common
Postal code: E5 9AG
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Latitude: 51.5733180 Longitude: -0.0712960
E-mail: [email protected]
Description: You should simply dial us and talk to our Hackney, E5 experts. They will give you professional advice on every possible cleaning issue!
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